Brand New PLR Templates Help You Profit From The Fun World of Comic Books 5+ Ways... Even if you Have No Desire to Create Comics Of Your Own
Real world examples prove the potential of adding $381.60, to $1386 to as much as $3697 a month or more to your income streams.
Turn these printables into profitable books without even writing one word, or drawing one thing.
(The creative opportunities are almost endless!)
Let's get straight to the point.
Creating and selling comic books are both fun and challenging. After all, the layouts can be crazy to come up with.
But what if you don't want to actually create a comic book yourself... yet you'd still love to profit from them?
Keep reading - I'm about to show you at least 5 ways you can profit from these.
But first you might be thinking that creating them is difficult.
Well today is your lucky day, because I've just saved you HOURS AND HOURS of work.
Introducing: Comic Book Storyboard Templates
That’s right, I’ve created a huge amount of comic book storyboard / layout templates that you can use and profit from in multiple ways – so you don’t have to!
Before I go further into all the details, let’s step back and go over what I mentioned a moment ago...
Profit Methods Revealed: There are at least 5+ ways you can profit from comic books, whether you want to create them yourself or not.
Method #1:
Sell the templates as printables in a blank “notebook” style book! Want to see how profitable this can be? Take a look at what I found:

Look – I’m not saying you “will” or “won’t” make that kind of money. I never guarantee it, as it is entirely up to a lot of factors, including you doing the work to put them up for sale.
I'm simply showing you the potential (and what's happening in the real world, not just guessing). These are just 2 examples.
So what are some other ways to profit from comic book / storyboard templates?
Method #2:
Use these templates to create your own comic book strips (this is obvious, but I figured it should be included.)
Method #3:
Sell these templates as printables on Etsy (note, they do sell there but not as well as KDP). Maybe because there aren’t a lot of choices! But here’s a few that are selling…

Method #4:
Make these comic style templates for use in greeting cards! Yes I’ve actually seen this done. Why not profit from it??
Method #5:
(this is MY favorite and yes, I’m doing this too) – think of it from a different perspective: While you “could” publish these as mix and match templates for kids to create themselves… why not create fun and funky activity books with these templates??!
Just some ideas…
- have you ever seen those “fun fact” books?
- Or humor / joke books?
- Or even daily feelings??
An example – and I’m completely modifying here literally as I type this… one book that came up in my research, is a full color book for parents helping to calm kids of their anger. It’s a picture book with various feelings and emotions:

This book is selling an average of 115 sales PER day! With a paperback royalty of $3.55 each, that's an average of about $408.25 per day... or $12,247.50 per month! (And that's not taking into account the other options, so this is an approximate).
Why not take the concept and put these into the templates, comic style??
Even if you don't make it comic style, you can still completely use the layouts - in fact, you can do this for adult books as well.
There see? I just gave you another potential product for you to try!
Comic book templates are also known as "story boards". So whether you use these templates for comics OR other things, the sky is the limit in ways you can use them.
Ok - so now that I've shared with you 5+ (closer to 10!) varying methods that you can do with these templates (and that's not even all of them), let's now talk about the templates themselves.
In This Exciting Bundle, You Get:
100 Comic Book Layout Templates (aka Storyboards) in Powerpoint format
Easy to edit, add things, change things. These are in 8x10" size, which provides a ton o fflexibility to go to A4, 8.5x11" or even sized down to 6x9" and so on.

All 100 layouts in PNG Format as well, in case you'd rather work just with the image files instead.
Training Videos
I've created training videos showing you both how to use these, as well as how to create your own from scratch with various styles and shapes. It's easier than you think! (And hint - I provide this free, I simply saved you the work of the creation!)
I even show you a suggested resource for creating the power words (outside of Canva) if you prefer to do that. I know some people love Canva... I just don't :) So I provide other options for those who don't.

But what do they look like??
Here are just SOME of the templates you get... there are even more! (Remember, you get 100 full templates, hand created by me).

Edith Hignutt,
They’re pretty cool. There’s lots of potential with these! From puzzles to coloring to activities, so much more than just comics. Even great for recipes, worksheets with a little imagination.
Joey Jay, LowContent.Pro
Thank you very much for your "My Comic Templates". After reading
the ideas you posted, I wondered what else could be done. I'm very
happy to say that I've already managed to sell a few copies of a
product I was able to create EASILY by modifying just a couple of
the layouts (which took no time at all). Thank you again. Keep the
great products coming.
I'm sure you have some questions.
"What is the license that I get with these?"
You get a Personal/Commercial license - this gives you the ability to publish these as your own content on Amazon KDP (i.e., create blank comic books with a variety of the templates included for kids to draw or color), or create your own actual stories as above. They have YOUR name on them, not mine, and yes, you can make money in multiple ways. These means you can sell the templates to others as long as they are in completed PDF format with your name on them.
To keep it as simple as possible, here's the info:
- YES you can create unlimited print on demand products to sell on Amazon, Etsy, etc. (even blank as is, providing it is the end product and with your name on it). That includes anything from books, to shirts, to mugs, to whatever product you can think of.
- YES you can create products for others, providing they are COMPLETED (changed, and not the original images/templates) and sold in pdf format.
- YES you can create a completed PDF (with your name on it) and give it away as a bonus for their personal use.
- YES you can sell CHANGED or customized images on CreativeFabrica or CreativeMarket.
- NO you can not sell these images unchanged at Adobe Stock or iStockphoto or any similar site.
- NO you can NOT sell the original powerpoint templates or images “as is” unchanged.
- NO you can not add these images to software, whether web based or computer (pc/mac/linux etc) to sell to others.
- NO you can not give these unchanged files away for free unless compiled into a PDF format as stated above. Since it needs to be clarified - no, you can not pass on PLR rights to others when you give the PDF away. It is for their own personal use only.
- NO you can not upload these into free file download sites, including Pixabay.
If you want to do something and aren't sure if it fits the license, simply submit a support ticket - I always reply within 2 business days, and I'll help clarify what you can/can't do.
(You actually have a lot of freedom, you simply can't sell the original files as is in powerpoint or png format to others, or upload them into software you're going to sell to others without my expressed written permission.)
"What is the refund policy?"
We do not provide refunds. You get PLR (private label rights) to these templates so you can create almost unlimited products and use these to create for others - therefore there are no refunds.
"What does "personal license" mean?"
When you provide a completed pdf to others, they get personal use as stated above. That means they can purchase and/or print the PDF to use for themselves to draw or color in. They DO NOT have plr rights, they CAN NOT publish books with them.
"Are these templates included in the Activity Book Generator membership?"
Yes and no. If you are an Activity Book Generator member, you will see a brand new bundle of these added into your membership (as of Monday February 28th). However, there are 2 differences:
Difference #1: In Activity Book Generator, you do not get the powerpoint templates, they are only generated into PDF format as usual.
Difference #2: Some are different templates than these. These templates are an extension to provide even more options.
"What is the Activity Book Generator?"
If you are not a member, you will be provided with an opportunity to join it after your purchase here, in case you are interested in expanding your print on demand business.
"Are there any upsells or downsells?"
Once you complete your purchase, you will be presented with an opportunity to join our Activity Book Generator membership for even more comic book / storyboards as well as MANY (thousands) of other activities and coloring for your print on demand business. It is entirely optional, and obviously not required for anyone already in it.
There are NO downsells.
"How much money can I make with these?"
We do not make income claims. I don't know you, I cannot legally say how much you can or will make with these. You may make a lot, or nothing at all. It's a matter of taking action, and making your products interesting to buyers. The examples stated within are simply real-world examples of available products for sale.
Are You Ready To Add A Fun New Income Stream?
Mix and match these templates in SO many ways, the possibilities are truly almost endless.
You could create a 100 page book, using just say 10 or 20 templates, by repeating them and moving the order around.
Or create 100 pages of the same!
Have you ever heard of those "Mad Libs" style games? You could easily use these templates / storyboards to prompt people to fill it out!
What about, "Would you rather?" style games for kids or adults? Format them in these layouts and watch the fun unravel.
What about using the layouts for a unique photo book, or motivational quotes or prompts?
(There see?? I just gave you some more product creation ideas!)
There are SO many fun ways to create with these.
I personally spent HOURS creating all of these for you. Yes - every single template was personally created by me from scratch in Powerpoint.
To outsource that, would have at the bare minimum cost you hundreds of dollars.
Here's proof: Both of these options, to get 100 actual different templates, BOTH options would cost you $500. And, it would be in PDF format only, commercial rights not included.

But don't worry, you won't pay anything llike that. In fact, you're getting a crazy steal.
Get instant access now - simply click the buy button below to purchase your license, and you'll be taken to where you can get the downloads. You SHOULD get an email from Warriorplus, but even if you don't - simply log into your Warriorplus account and go to your Purchases, and you'll be able to access it immediately from there.
Warning, this special pricing is up for just a f ew days - and then it goes up. I could easily charge $67 or more for these, and that would still be a steal.
Click the button below right now and get started on your fun new products!
Quick / Important note: You will see on the checkout page, your address may be requested particularly if you choose a credit card. This is ONLY used for security purposes, and we DO NOT access it or do anything with it. It is to do our part to help prevent fraudulent credit card abuse, and is in fact, for YOUR protection. We just don't want you to be worried that we're doing something with your private information - we don't.